工艺工程师 10-15K
惠州市岩素运动用品有限公司 运营部 广东惠州 2天前刷新
学历要求本科 工作经验3年 现居住地不限


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


岗位职责Job Responsibilities:
1. 参与开发树脂基复合材料(玻璃钢)相关产品,开发新产品、新技术、新工艺;
Participate in the development of resin-based composite materials (glass reinforced plastics) related products, and develop new products, new technologies and new processes.
2. 编写工艺规程、质量控制点等技术文件;
Prepare process documents such as work instructions, tool maintenance level 1 and self-checking quality standard.
3. 现场工艺操作的指导、培训,处理生产现场出现的质量、技术问题;
Supervise new Labour tranning and define process upgrades to ensure high quality rate on updated quality standards.
4. 按规定审批程序,经常对工艺文件、工装图纸进行更改,对制订的工艺文件负责解释,对不符合图纸要求的工艺作业进行纠正;
Ensure all technical documents being up to date according to last operation requirements
5. 样品工艺导入批产,并优化效率及产品合格率,解决生产过程中的技术问题
Define new processes and ensure pre-validation of processes (productivity, Quality, Stock, work instructions) before batch production release
6. 对外与部门、客户、供应商进行技术沟通协调和解决;
Provide technical guidance to other department when needed to ensure smooth operations running.
任职要求Job requirements:
1. 本科及以上学历,复合材料、高分子、化学等相关专业。
Bachelor degree or above in process, project management or manufacturing. Major in composite materials, polymer, or related technology would be a plus.
2. 复合材料相关培训或者有实际工作经验。熟悉复合材料制造相关流程和要求。
Composite materials related training or practical work experience. Familiar with composite manufacturing related processes and requirements
3. 三年以上工艺工程工作经验,熟悉复合材料产品的生产工艺,熟练使用相关成型设备。
More than 2 years of work experience in process departments.
4. 能够接受或主动了解新技术、新材料的工程应用技术。
Be proactive in looking for new technologies and process to improve quality and manufacturing time.
5. 具有较好的沟通能力,工作积极主动,责任心强,有团队精神,具有较强的判断与决策能力
Have good communication skills, team work,oriented, work proactively, solution finding, and strong decision-making skills
6. 熟练使用各类办公软件。英语读写能力良好优先。
Proficient in using various office software and curious to learn any helpful skill.
7. 有良好的英语阅读和写作能力者优先。
Good English reading and writing is preferred.
8. 了解精益管理工具知识将是一个加分项。
5958 0593-|172 0054 1748 02Knowledge in Lean manufacturing tools would be a plus.
